Taking Speech and Language Outside

Using Nature to Expand Children's Communication Skills

Date: Wednesday February 26, 2025

Location: On-line, Zoom

Time: 7pm - 8:30pm MST

Cost: $30.00 + GST

**Approved for PD funding and release time for Alberta Early Childhood Educators

"The sparkle a child gets in their eye the moment they step outside, their wonder, their amazement, they notice the small things."

“There is something special about connecting with nature alongside the children and witnessing their growth and development in such a rich and stimulating environment.”

These two comments from a survey of 200 early childhood educators captures how these educators see the outdoors is a complete learning environment, not just for physical activity but for curiosity, wonder and exploration - the perfect place for all aspects of child development!


When children play and have the opportunity to freely move their bodies, they expand their communication skills. Spending time outside is a natural way to do all these things! Nature offers many unique opportunities to explore speech and language skills that cannot be replicated in the classroom or in a book.


In this presentation, Abbey Massar, a play-based speech language pathologist, will discuss the many benefits to helping children learn speech, language and social skills while spending time outside. You will leave the presentation with some easy-to-use strategies that will turn time spent outside with your children into a language rich environment.

In this 90-minute live webinar you will:

  • Hear from a speech language pathologist on the benefits of nature for practicing and acquiring new language.
  • See examples on how Abbey works with children outdoors.
  • Come away with tips, ideas and strategies for turning your outdoor time into a language rich environment.
Abbey Headshot

Abbey Massar SLP

Abbey is a neurodiversity affirming and play-based speech language pathologist who has her own private practice in Calgary, AB. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast and spends as much time as she can exploring the Canadian Rockies. Abbey has personally experienced the many benefits of spending time outside and is passionate about bring this to her clients and their families.