Outdoor Play and Nature Connection Workshop for Educators

November 2, 2024 in Drayton Valley Alberta

Your host for this event is the Town of Drayton Valley




Your presenters for the day are Dave Verhulst and Christina Pickles

dave 2021
Christina Pickles Get Outside and Play

We all learn best through play. Come experience outdoor play and nature connection through hands-on sessions with Christina and Dave!

This event is approved for PD funding for Alberta Early Childhood Educators along with 7.5 hours of release time.

Time and Date

Saturday November 2, 2024

8:30am - 4:00pm


Drayton Valley Alberta

Rotary-Pembina Nordic Outdoor Education Centre

Minutes from Drayton Valley at the Pembina Nordic Centre



  • Includes pastries and coffee Saturday morning
  • Lunch on Saturday
  • 2 workshops - 2.5 hours with each presenter
  • Want to register 3 or more educators? We can offer a 10% discount.  Contact Christina for the code to use during registration.


Who should come?

Do you work with young children between 0-7 years old?

This day is for you.


Are you looking for inspiration and practical ideas to support you in getting children outdoors?

This day is for you.


Are you looking for a hands-on, interactive and fun day?

This day is for you.


During this day, you will attend the following two workshops.

Forest Play with Dave

Rediscover your childlike passion for the world and join us for a fun session of exploring nature and building connections. Grounded in the rhythms of the natural world, Forest Play is a successful outdoor program in Canmore with programs for children age 2-14 years old. In this experiential session Dave will share some of the core elements of the program that help children connect to nature, self and others.  In this workshop you will:

  • rediscover a child-like passion for the natural world
  • experience what it is like to participate in a  program based on the Coyote mentoring model
  • be introduced to the natural learning cycle and essential routines that ground and reconnect us with the natural world
  • understanding of how stories can be used to create powerful learning experiences.
Dave believes the natural world is one of our most powerful teachers and mentors. Through sharing stories and experiences in the landscape, he helps children and adults develop a strong connection with themselves and nature. In 2011, he co-founded Forest Play in Canmore based on Forest School models and the 8 Shields Mentoring Model. With over 20 years professional guiding experience, Dave facilitates programs for children ages 4-14. He has a Master's Degree in Recreation Management, is an accredited Master Interpretive Guide and is a Wilderness First Responder. Dave is the proud father of 2 girls and enjoys many outdoor adventures with his family.

Outdoor Play in the Early Years with Chistina

Everything is possible outside - children are more physically active, the natural world enters through all the senses, and community connections are made. In this workshop, we will explore the reasons for getting outdoors and our role as adults in these experiences. You will come away with inspiration and practical ideas to create engaging outdoor play spaces and experiences. Come ready to play outside, no matter the weather!

What is covered:

  • Review the key roles of adults in providing time, space, and materials for outdoor play.
  • Learn about loose parts and engage in loose parts experiences.
  • Build your repertoire of outdoor play experiences for children.
  • Build positive connections with the land and natural world and enjoy time outdoors.

Christina Pickles is an outdoor play advocate and founder of Get Outside and Play, an organization that ensures more outdoor play in early learning and care settings, schools, and communities through events, presentations, workshops, and consulting.

She has been supporting outdoor experiences with people of all ages for 25 years and 10 years ago, pivoted her work to put play at the centre of everything she does. She believes play is the best way children (and adults) connect with the land, their communities, their bodies, and each other.

She lives along the Bow River in Calgary Alberta and can be found walking her dog Clover or chasing after her adventurous 10 year old.

ece small worlds
zoo workshop
adult small worlds

Schedule for the day

You will attend two sessions, one in the morning and a second in the afternoon. One session will be delivered by Christina Pickles and the other by Dave Verhulst.

8:30am - 9am Check-in and coffee

9am - 9:20am Opening

9:20am - 9:30am Move to first workshop

9:30am - 12pm First session.

12pm - 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm - 3:30pm Second session

3:30pm - 4:00pm Closing